Thursday, February 15, 2024

Where All of This is Pointing, Part II

The last time I drank Daime was an instructive experience for me. The work I attended was the one devoted to Yemanja, the Yoruba queen of the sea. I had been to a number of Yemanja works in the past, and had always found them cleansing and healing.

This time was different. One thing I noticed right away: when the names of the different Yoruba deities would appear in the hymns (Yemanja, Ogum da Beira Mar, etc.) I no longer felt comfortable singing them and stayed silent at those points. It wasn't anything I had consciously thought about, just an intuitive reaction in the moment.

The work was deeply unsatisfying to me, in a way that I had never experienced before with Daime. As I wrote in the last piece, I was actually left afterward with a suicidal impulse and a feeling of mild possession.

When I stopped to consider why that was, the answer felt obvious: my relationship with Jesus Christ has become exclusive.

I've always been a Christian when I consider it honestly. I was raised in the church and I never fundamentally questioned the notion that Jesus was the master teacher who came here to show us the right way to live. I see too much evidence to support that and it resonates too deeply within my being for it to be false. No verification by experts required.

However, I was also raised in a degenerate society. I was exposed to porn as a child. I grew up surrounded by sexual imagery in movies, TV shows, billboards, newspaper ads, etc. The true purpose of sex (the sacrament of a pairbonded man and woman in the confines of marriage to serve as the generative force of families) was obscured from me, and I was instead presented with a vision of Sex as Amusement Park. I think we can all see where that has taken us as a society*, and my experience with it was probably not more successful than most.

These false teachings had an effect on me. In sexual terms, I ended up behaving in a manner unbecoming for a Christian. This then had a spiraling effect: unable to resist that particular departure from Jesus' teaching (and his teachings on sex are incredibly restrictive -- no Free Love for adherents of JC), I found myself unable to resist others as well.

In the context of the current discussion, this has to do with idolatry and demon-worship. Jesus is quite clear on the exclusivity of his status as teacher and savior:

I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, except by me.

A lot of "modern Christians" (heretics) are totally incapable of handling this exclusivity. I had a similar mindset for a long time: the Coexist bumper sticker used to make sense to me (I have since pegged it as globalist/Luciferian propaganda). Sorry, guys. At no point in the Gospels does Jesus make a virtue of "tolerance" (the expansion of Jewish messiahship to non-Jews falls under a totally different category than the commission of sexual sin, or worship of other gods). He really just couldn't be any clearer on this, and it's quite a propaganda feat that it has been so obscured by mainstream Christianity.

So in the context of the Daime, this means that I've become fundamentally uncomfortable with it as a syncretic religion. Which is a bummer, because Mestre Irineu founded the Daime on pretty strict Christian lines: his hinĂ¡rio is entirely devoted to God the Father, Jesus, John, Mary, the Holy Spirit and the other Christian fundaments.** The other stuff about Yoruba and Amazonian deities was added after his death.

I've come to view it as a diminishment rather than an addition. Here's the main problem: I don't think there's any possibility that these other beings have not received (and do not continue to receive) human sacrifice. That's what was revealed to me after the work. 

I'm honestly not sure how I ever managed to get any benefit at all from such entities, but prior to 2020 acknowledging them in the works seemed to be ok for me. Not anymore.

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide and spacious is the path that leads to destruction, and many find it.

Today I know that I must have no other teacher, no other healer, no other redeemer than Jesus of Nazareth. I am not attempting to convince you of this; it's simply my conclusion (arrived at very reluctantly, I might add -- I've probably always personally tended more towards spiritual eclecticism). In fairness, I guess I would say it is my strong recommendation that you follow my lead here. But the decision must be your own.

Certainly there are enough clues to help you in your choice. Maybe start by considering that there's no such thing as an AntiBuddha, or an AntiMohammed.*** Only Jesus is worth the trouble. What is the unifying philosophy of all the globalist psychos trying to enslave us? Antichrist. What's the opposite of that?

It's not complicated. It's just difficult. That's why so few people do it. There is no more demanding code of conduct in the world than Christian morality. Its list of renunciations is astonishing:

  • No holding onto anger
  • No revenge 
  • No moral grandstanding
  • No fornication 
  • No sexual deviance of any kind
  • No "chosenness" (for anyone)
  • No domination (no empire)

No wonder they killed him! People love that stuff!

On the flipside, his followers are taught to be humble and modest, to lead through service, to pray for our enemies, to reject violence, to feed the hungry, to comfort the sick and visit the prisoner.....the list is long.

It's long and it's not very lifestyle-centric. 

"Oh my God that is like so inconvenient"

"Is he even thinking about my needs at all?"

"You know, my therapist said I really need to start prioritizing myself"

"But it's supposed to be all about me -- the marketing all told me so"

"Oh how dare you"

I'll be honest. I'm not really sure that medicine work is sustainable post-Covid. Certainly, in my view medicine can no longer be safely consumed in the typical New Age/left-leaning cultural milieu that has dominated its use so far. Demonic Evil has been openly unleashed in the world, and such a childish, retarded, credulous worldview is completely incapable of reckoning with it.

I mean, really, it's like a JP Sears bit:

"So I was communing with Mother Ayahuasca in ceremony last night, and she told me that I really need to just do as I'm instructed by Dr. Fauci and the CDC...."


No. The path forward for medicine drinkers is obvious: if we are to do it at all, we must drink in a rigorously Christian setting. It's our only hope for safety in this perilous, volatile time. In fact, if sufficient numbers of people were to do this (drink ayahuasca in order to know Christ), I don't think there's any telling how hugely positive an effect it could have on the planet.

Thor is not going to get us out of this mess, and neither is Odin. Vishnu is not going to do it. Not Zeus, nor Athena. Not Huitzilopochtli. Certainly not Set or Baal or Moloch.

Not one of those ET rape-os could give a shit about us. All they ever wanted to do was fuck us and eat us and make us mine gold.

Jesus wept for us, and then he went to the cross for us. He completely inverted the sacrificial paradigm. After having spent his life teaching and curing us. Indeed his yoke is easy and his burden is light.

Sooner or later, every knee shall bend. Easy or hard, Christ is King.

God bless you, whoever you are.

* On a related note, if kids being fondled by sex offenders in drag in libraries is "progress" to you, please signal that to me in some clear manner so that I never, ever drink medicine or associate in any way at all with you. Wake the fuck up.

** Those familiar with Mestre Irineu's story will recall that when he first drank ayahuasca, he found the practice infested with paganism and black magic, and he received instruction from Our Lady that he should only drink by himself until he was ready to launch the new church she was entrusting to him (the Santo Daime). Sadly, much of the Daime has gone full-circle back to paganism and now requires reform to bring it back into line with the vision Mestre originally received.

*** Another indicator is the vehemence with which the dark occultists of Hollywood constantly attack Jesus and Christians. "You know you're over the target when you're getting flak." I have also heard several whistleblowers describe how the name "Jesus Christ" is forbidden to be uttered in the DUMBs and other black facilities. He's the fly in their ointment.

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