That was the exact message I was given by Aya herself the last time I sat in traditional Shipibo-style ceremony, in December of 2020. It was chilling and stark. She said to me "I have nothing more to give you. What you're going through is beyond my power to heal or affect in any way. For that matter, look around at the other people surrounding you in the circle. Do they seem like they are thriving? Do they look like they are living in Truth?"
It was chilling and stark. Ayahuasca basically repudiated herself to me, at least in the context of that particular group. I have heard of others having this experience as well.
For me it was an unwelcome revelation. I first drank in 2014, and I had come to rely on medicine as a cornerstone of my spiritual practice. The circle I was sitting with had been a home to me for several years, but was no longer. I felt disoriented and afraid.
I drank a few more times at the Daime church I belonged to, until I essentially had the same experience there as well. That one may have actually been worse, with an entity apparently attaching itself to me during the work and then encouraging me to kill myself the next day. It took about a week for me to recover.
That was in the Spring of 2022, and I've not had medicine since then.
The reason I'm writing this now is that I feel a need to convey a warning to people about this entire undertaking: things are different now.
Looking back at the pieces I wrote between 2014 and 2017, I can see a naive optimism in them about the healing potential of plant medicine. It was genuine, and I don't retract what I wrote. At that time I was having a profoundly positive experience with the aid of Daime and Aya, an experience in which I was healing from heavy PTSD that had dogged me since I was little. I will never renounce the good things those substances and their attendant beings brought into my life, and I will always be grateful for them.
The problem is that the whole world is radically different now than it was then. The occult government that actually calls the shots on this planet revealed itself overtly in 2020. Whether you refer to it as the Cryptocracy, the permanent government, Babylon, the Beast System, the oligarchy, the Illuminati, the 300, whatever: that thing finally and openly revealed itself to the world. The esoteric became exoteric.
I mean, really: if this doesn't make it plain to you then nothing will. Brought to you by Pfizer.
I discussed these things in my last piece.
In this piece, I am going to discuss the effect that all of this has on the entire plant medicine proposition. I'm going to start by stating what I believe ayahuasca and Daime (and hoasca, and yagé, etc.) actually are: I believe that they are biological programmable devices. Something like Read Only Memory (ROM) in plant form.
I think all entheogens share some portion of this reality, but I find the description most applicable to ayahuasca and its derivatives, for the simple reason that humans actually have to make the brew (as opposed to, say, mushrooms just growing in manure or being cultivated). That process, as one can imagine, creates a strong and intimate connection between the humans and the plants. The plants, in fact, act essentially as biological silicon wafers that are programmed with logic. Not just logic, so much more -- love, intention, thoughts, beliefs, understanding, propaganda, delusion, deception.....
Do you see the problem? If the brew is made by confused and mind-controlled individuals, how can it produce good results?
I'm just gonna say this flat-out: most medicine drinkers that I have met are lefties. This has got to be addressed, because of the way that entire phenomenon has been weaponized in the culture. Those of you who consider yourselves that, please do not jump to offense at things I'm going to say. Instead, maybe take a deep breath and ask God to reveal Truth to you. Maybe strive for humility in the recognition that you do not know everything.
Maybe consider for starters the fact that I myself was a devoted left-winger for over 3 decades. I grew up in Reagan-Bush era America, and I found the huge military budgets and wrecking of our industry distasteful, as well as union-bashing and support for genocidal Third World dictatorships. Not understanding the concept of the freemasonic checkerboard (controlled opposition), I assumed that the best antidote to depredations committed by the right-wing must be left-wing politics. I was suitably indoctrinated.
This more or less worked for me until about 2016. The presidential election that year completely changed how I view politics in America. Or really anywhere, I guess.
It was shocking for me to see, on social media and in the world, formerly rational-seeming friends of mine go totally insane over Donald Trump. It was shocking to see them, as a result of this Trump Derangement Syndrome, support one of the most obviously corrupt and truly evil politicians ever, even preferring her to Bernie Sanders (who at least seemed to be saying some reasonable and appealing things in 2016, and had huge popular support), all on the basis of a trashy, low-IQ identity politics that elevated the symbolism of her "gender" above rational concerns about her obvious warmongering, neoliberalism, and actual criminality. All done with a sort of breathtakingly smug self-assuredness that by believing everything told to them by corporate media(!) they were sure to permanently occupy THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY.
What I was noticing was the total oligarchic convergence of what had been the American "left-wing" by a radically corrupt DNC and an activist donor class, all aided by the trashiest and most servile media apparatchiks imaginable. Real journalists such as Glen Greenwald and Chris Hedges have covered this extensively, so I do not need to get mired in the details of it. I'll let it suffice to sat that I believe the Occupy Wall Street movement truly frightened our ruling class. People were finally starting to figure out the real deal in this country, with the rhetoric about the "1%" actually getting to the heart of the matter. This was not something that could be allowed.
To gauge the success of their efforts, all one needs to do is look around. Instead of a united and coherent "99%", we have the fractured mess that is American society today, certainly closer to civil war than I've seen in my lifetime. As I saw someone put it, today you have people who make $100,000 a year actually believing that the biggest threat to them comes from people who make $40,000 a year, all on the basis of identitarian factors such as race, sexual orientation, political party, religious confession, etc.
It's a joke. It's an obvious oligarchic swindle. If you've fallen for it, shame on you.
If you've fallen for it you're in a tremendous amount of danger. If you've fallen for the notion that the biggest threat facing America is from the half of the country that supports Donald Trump, rather than the transhumanist/depopulationist fiends of the WEF, Club of Rome, Bilderbergers, etc. (to say nothing of our own utterly traitorous political class), then you'll believe other nonsense as well. You'll believe that the correct response to a disease with a 99+% survival rate is to lock down society, trash the economy, mask and isolate children and plunge them into despair, and ultimately force people to inject themselves with poison. You'll believe that it's somehow virtuous to eliminate national borders. You'll believe that the sexualization of children represents the cutting edge of morality. You'll believe that some vague mandate for "social justice" legitimizes burning down American cities.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to drink medicine brewed or administered by people who hold such beliefs. Given the dynamics I've outlined above, I recognize the tremendous danger that would pose to my spiritual, emotional, and moral well-being.
Please don't imagine that I am offering up the GOP or any "right-wing" institution whatsoever as the antidote to all of this. That is not my meaning. I view the DNC and GOP as 2 sides to the same uniparty coin. Both of them are up to their eyeballs in the literal blood of children. Before there was Pizzagate there was the Franklin Savings and Loan scandal (look it up if you're unfamiliar).
I am, however, saying this: the "woke" ideology is a purely satanic construct. It's Babel 2.0. None of that is energy I welcome into my spiritual practice, and you shouldn't either. To do so is to court disaster.
Medicine places us in an extremely vulnerable state. All of the defensive barriers of waking, sober consciousness are lowered. If you take well-made medicine in a truly safe and loving environment, this can result in hugely positive healing and transformation. If, however, you take questionable medicine in a satanically mind-controlled environment, you are inviting literal demonic possession.
There is a solution to all of this. I will cover it in Part II.